Round Two Awardees

The following businesses and organizations received VPLO funding in the 2024-2025 cycle. We, VPLO, also granted mini-awards to Atria Collective, Counseling Services of Addison County, and Rutland Pharmacy.

Boys & Girls Club of Rutland County

  • Our mission is to inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive responsible and caring citizens. Our goal is to provide every child with the essential tools needed for a successful and bright future. Our Boys & Girls Club provides a safe place to learn and grow, ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals, life-enhancing programs and character development experiences, hope, and opportunity.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Come Alive Outside

  • Come Alive Outside is a 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2014 that works closely with partners in healthcare, public health, outdoor recreation, and the landscape profession to connect individuals, families, and entire communities to the health and wellness benefits of outdoor spaces where they live, work, and play.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Companions in Wholeness

  • Companions in Wholeness provides free hot breakfast 4 days a week from Monday-Thursday as well as take-away lunches/dinners that clients can pick up with their breakfasts to have later on. Faith on Foot is our team of volunteers that distribute food and hygiene supplies along with other resources one a week in Rutland City.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Elderly Services Inc.

  • Founded in 1981, Elderly Services’ original purpose was to offer elders and their families an adult day care center to help delay or prevent nursing home placement. Decades later, our award-winning adult day center—Project Independence—continues as our flagship program. We have added a wonderful array of services in pursuit of our mission: To provide creative, high-quality programs to help elders live safe and satisfying lives in their own homes and communities.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Rutland County Pride

  • The mission of Rutland County Pride INC is to enhance and sustain the well-being of the 2sTLGBQIA+ and allied communities by providing programs and services that cultivate community; advocate for 2sTLGBQIA+ interests; educate and empower, and provide social support to Rutland county Vermonters. 

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!


  • More than just a shared workshop with all the tools you don't have space for or couldn't afford on your own, The MINT is a community of people sharing their knowledge, experience, and ideas in addition to tools, equipment, and workshop space. Our members include hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts, educators, students, entrepreneurs, non-profit, and for-profit companies.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Turning Point Center of Addison County

  • Turning Point Center of Addison County is a 501(c)3 non-profit recovery center that provides a safe, friendly, and substance use free environment where all people in recovery, and their families and friends, can meet for peer-to-peer recovery support, social activities, recovery coaching, education, and advocacy.

  • Check back soon to find out about our round two successes!

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes

  • Our mission is to inspire and enable  all young people to reach their full potential as caring, productive and responsible citizens.

    • Increased third spaces for youth, and prevention education.

    • Continued ability to bring facilitators in to run classes and workshops.

    • Provided accessible transportation to events in the region.

    • Replaced damaged basketball hoop.

    • Shopping experiences with a dietician to teach about health bodies and nutrition.

    • Youth film project focused on creative production of PSA announcements related to substance misuse.

    • Completed a week-long trip to South Dakota to tent-camp and visited Mt. Rushmore, Badlands, Wall Drug, and Crazy Horse.

    • Increased club enrollment.

Come Alive Outside

  • Come Alive Outside is a 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2014 that works closely with partners in healthcare, public health, outdoor recreation, and the landscape profession to connect individuals, families, and entire communities to the health and wellness benefits of outdoor spaces where they live, work, and play.

    • Created a unique Teen Track for Winterfest that focused on teen experiences and fostering resilience and well-being.

    • 550+ middle-age youth engaged in Winterfest across the course of the week through 13 events hosted by 15 partners.

    • Purchased youth/young-adult sized snowshoes for Danby's Smokey House for teens to loan for free.

    • Collaborated with community partners on education and training sessions.

    • Staff attended trainings in topics such as prevention, vaping, and building strength through wellness.

    • Expanded library with books on social determinants of health and prevention.

Rutland County Pride

  • The mission of Rutland County Pride INC is to enhance and sustain the well-being of the 2sTLGBQIA+ and allied communities by providing programs and services that cultivate community; advocate for 2sTLGBQIA+ interests; educate and empower, and provide social support to Rutland county Vermonters. 

    • Hired a part-time Executive Director to oversee operations of the center and coordinate programs and services.

    • Offered 18 programs that were made possible in part through VPLO funds.

    • Staff trained in topics such as health equity, cultural intelligence, and mental health.

    • Began co-hosting weekly "All Recovery Meetings" with clinical support of the Turning Point Center.

Rutland Pharmacy

  • Rutland Pharmacy is a full service public retail pharmacy that is ACHC Accredited for Specialty Pharmacy and Durable Medical Supplies. Rutland Pharmacy is the “flagship” location of Smilin’ Steve’s Pharmacies. Established in 1982, this family-owned independent pharmacy began the journey toward the six-location chain of pharmacies that exists today (and is still owned by the same family!)

    • Created and distributed SU prevention resource kits.

    • Enhanced Dispill Service Project - a program, offering medication in blister packs making medication management easier and more streamlined for vulnerable populations.

    • Provided telehealth care with a pharmacist and free delivery or mailing of prescriptions.

    • Brought staff to proficiency with the Strategic Prevention Framework.

    • Implemented a prevention team among pharmacy staff.

    • Trained staff in topics such as trauma and addiction and strengthening youth mental health.


  • More than just a shared workshop with all the tools you don't have space for or couldn't afford on your own, The MINT is a community of people sharing their knowledge, experience, and ideas in addition to tools, equipment, and workshop space. Our members include hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts, educators, students, entrepreneurs, non-profit, and for-profit companies.

    • Expanded our programs to target middle grade youth.

    • Provided no-cost programming for youth.

    • Fitted mini makerspace in downtown Rutland, including tools and equipment appropriate for middle aged learners.

    • Partnered with Boys & Girls Club of Rutland County to offer weekly time for youth to engage in creating.

    • Participated in Winterfest with Partners for Prevention, Wonderfeet, and Come Alive Outside.

    • Partnered with Rutland County Pride to offer body-positive sewing class.

    • Delivered a Busting the Gender Bias Training for staff, volunteers, and community leaders.

    • Provided programming to Clarendon Elementary School

    • Reduced rates for camp fees for families during April and June camps at Quality Lane facility.

  • Turning Point Center of Addison County is a 501(c)3 non-profit recovery center that provides a safe, friendly, and substance use free environment where all people in recovery, and their families and friends, can meet for peer-to-peer recovery support, social activities, recovery coaching, education, and advocacy.

    • Strengthened pre-existing partnerships with pre-existing partnerships with the Charter House Coalition for the unhoused, the HUB Teen Center in Bristol, and local high schools. New allies over the life of the grant include Gather (operated by the Breadloaf Mountain Zen Center), Northlands Job Corps in Vergennes, Valley Vista Residential Treatment Center in Vergennes, and a Street Outreach Program operated with Charter House and the Middlebury Housing Coalition.

    • Provided direct services to 251 unique visitors over 38 visits at the Hub.

    • Provided more Narcan trainings to the greater community (50 individuals).

    • Increased supportive materials and information such as SMART recovery workbooks.

    • Increased staff capacity to work on Street Outreach Program and Gather.

    • Enhanced prevention presentations, particularly the Narcan Trainings and presence of adulterants in the opioid stream.

    • Continued embedding a Recovery Coach at Gather twice each week.

    • Continued embedding a Recovery Coach with the Street Outreach Program for two mornings each week.

    • Increased provision of direct service at the Charter House Coalition with both the number of visitors and staff time.

Turning Point Center of Addison County

Round One Awardees

The following businesses and organizations received VPLO funding in the 2023-2024 cycle. We, the VPLO, also granted mini-awards to the Vermont State University Center for Social Justice and Trauma Informed Care at the Castleton campus, Counseling Services of Addison County, Prevention Works! VT, and RichardsonWorks for work to be done with us for the 2024-2025 cycle.