Get Funding
Funding has been awarded for the 2024-2025 cycle. Check back frequently for updates on when funding opportunities are available, or follow us on social media to be the first to know!
The following organization types are eligible to apply for funding:
Individual Schools
Supervisory Unions/School Districts
Hospitals/Healthcare systems
Nonprofits (examples include, but are not limited to social service agencies, parent child centers, regional planning commissions, and organizations that provide resources and programming to the public, such as libraries, arts organizations, etc.)
Colleges and universities, including community colleges
Native American Indian Tribes recognized by the State of Vermont
For Profit Organizations
TBA: Region 2 Prevention Lead Funding Workshop
Zoom Meeting:
TBA: Open office hours will be held
Zoom Link:
TBA: Applications Due
TBA: Initial Review Begins
TBA: Agency Conversations Begin
TBA: Award Announcements
TBA: Funding Begins
Read Request for Proposals (RFP) and Logic Models
Attend a Funding Workshop
Collect Required Documents
Organization’s W-9 (Hand-signed and dated within the last 3 months)
Organization’s Certificate of Insurance
Letter of Commitment from Fiscal Agent (if applicable)
Complete the Application Form Below. Applications can be saved and returned to until the application window closes, at which point incomplete applications will be voided.